Make Your Own Peeps Houses: More Fun with Peeps

Sunday, March 30, 2025
Wondering what to do with Peeps besides eat them? Peeps houses are one of our favorite Spring projects! Check out how we made them in these easy steps!

There's nothing worse than a Pinterest Fail.  Okay, so maybe there are worse things. But there's no arguing that they are a waste of time, energy and sanity, especially when you're trying to work with children.

I have seen Pinterest posts floating around for adorable little Peeps houses- essentially a gingerbread house for Peeps. The posts I read about them made it seem like a piece of cake: Put graham crackers together with frosting, pop Peep inside, photograph in the grass next to jellybeans on a sunny day and you've got a Pinterest hit!  That's always the way.  But then when you actually go to make your own Peeps house, you find that there were some directions missing, or some tips left out, and before you know it, there's frosting everywhere and you're yelling at both your dog and your child simultaneously. SO, that being said, I promise you that Peeps Houses ARE super cute and totally NOT hard if you follow my tips. 

You Will Need:

-graham crackers
-decorator frosting (I used canned Betty Crocker decorator frosting, but you can also use Wilton cake decorator frosting in the tubes. Just make sure it's not the cookie icing one because that's too watery)
-Peeps (any kind, any color- bunnies work, too!)
-jellybeans or Robin's Eggs candies (for Peep eggs)
-Easter grass
-hot glue gun (this, technically, is optional, but read on to see why it's better to have it)

Step 1.  Split your graham crackers into squares. Do you know I had a problem with this right off the bat?  For whatever reason, my crackers wouldn't split evenly. So if you have the same problem, use a knife and 'score' the cookies first, then crack them along the score line to get a straighter edge on your cracker.

Step 2.  Place one cracker down for your floor. You're going to form an 'open' house, so you're going to want to glue two sides to the floor for walls, and one cracker to the back for the back of the house.  (*note:  we originally tried using the frosting as our glue, but it just never set correctly. We waited over an hour and the crackers actually started to get mushy under the frosting. The Jersey Momma's Boy got tired of waiting and ran off with the dog, jumping on the sofas and causing a general ruckus, to which I actually LOST IT and started YELLING as I was trying to prop up a stupid failing Peep house! Guilt about yelling then followed...)

This is an upside down Peeps house because it's drying- the flat part is actually the floor.

Step 3.  Prop two crackers together for the roof and hot glue gun them, right down the middle.  When the roof is dry (usually just a few seconds!  Woot!), glue the roof to the Peeps house (you want to glue it to the open part of the house- the flat part is the floor. The open part with no cookie on top is where you want the roof to go).

Step 4.  From here on in, it's smooth sailing! Put a little dab of glue inside the house to hold your Easter grass down.  Trim your Easter grass and plop it inside the house. Add a few jellybeans or Robins Egg candies, then put the Peep on top.

Step 5.  You can follow up by decorating the house. I used Betty Crocker canned decorator frosting to decorate over the hot glue. The Jersey Momma's Boy preferred to leave his house plain, but wanted to make a floor and pathway for the houses out of cardboard.

*Obviously, if you want to eat your Peeps houses, then don't use a hot glue gun on them!

View this Peeps Houses tutorial on video! Find it on YouTube:

For more Peeps fun, check out my post on Peeps Jousting, which is a lot easier than Peeps houses.

Disclaimer:  I was NOT compensated in any way by the makers of Peeps, Robins Eggs or Betty Crocker.  Or the graham cracker people.  I just wanted to set the universe right by giving you an honest and helpful tutorial of a cute project. However, I included some cute affiliate links below from Amazon to help you out on your path of Peeps righteousness.


  1. So cute! You are so talented...and funny. :)

  2. These are very cute! I love your disclaimer at the bottom.

  3. This is fantastic! Your post has been selected as a Feature on the Friday Favorites Link Party at Come and check it out. It has also been Pinned and Tweeted! I hope to see you tonight at 7 pm. Have a super day! Must Love Home

    1. Wowee! Thanks for the honor! I will definitely come check it out. :)

  4. What a fabulous idea. The Peeps look so adorable in their beautifully decorated homes.

  5. What a fun idea! I wish we had that many colors of Peeps here in Canada!

    1. They are EVERYWHERE here! I can't believe the crazy colors haven't invaded Canada yet! We should tell the Peeps' peeps to get on that!

  6. This is an adorable idea! I pinned it for next year :)


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